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Jim Cramer Mad Money - What Is It?

Filled under : Tips

By Anne Durrell

Jim Cramer is crazy. On his show, Jim Cramer mad money, he jumps about and screams like a crazy guy.

However, last year he picked up investments last year and earned him 12% instead of 6% average for the market, so perhaps he is not that mad after all.

A lot of investors love Jim Cramer mad money shows on CNBC that they like to watch it each week.

While the world was spinning out of control, and the market was spinning straight down the toilet, investors were panicking and Cramer was one of the few voices who could be heard above the chaos and people listened to him.

Jim Cramer wants to buy and ride it up when a stock started going up.
Jim Cramer mad money shows plan for the market to keep doing what it is doing, so that he picks end to be aggressive.

Usually Jim Cramer dump the stocks when it starts to fall before it falls further. His technique is not a bad at all when the market is not volatile and the swings are not move forward or more predictable.

But when market are going badly, stocks can reverse direction in a hurry and this will make them go badly quickly too.

On his shows, Jim Cramer mad money, it is not uncommon he recommends you to buy the stocks of the excecutives who were being interviewed by him.

My advice about what stocks to pick is actually be gained from his shows,
Jim Cramermad money, not his recommends buying the stock of those executives.

It is clear there will be a short term jump in price for those stocks after he recommends it, as many people will run out and buy these stocks.

So if you are quick on the draw and do just the opposite, ready to buy when he says "sell" and ready to sell on the margin when he says "buy" then you can expect to do quite well. - 23309

About the Author:

Her name is Anne Durrell. She comes from California. She has written extensively on online trading . You may want to check out her other guide on chinese stock market tips, and online stock trading company guide!

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