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Stocks vs Bonds

Filled under : Business , Stock

In the investment arena, two frequently used terms are stocks and bonds. A lot of people invest their money through stocks and bonds. The whole point of investing your money with some company is to multiply it. But do you know how stocks and bonds function and how exactly you get profits? There are certain marked differences between the two. We'll enlighten you on these in this article.

You must have a picture of a loan. Bonds are very similar. Investing in bonds means that you are loaning your money to a company, organization, or government of your choice. You get a receipt for your loan from the concerned body, and you get the interest on your loan in the form of a bond.

Bonds are bought and sold as any other commodity in an open market. The values of bonds go up and down depending on the state of the general economy. The current interest rates affect and even define the quality of your investment. You may have a bond of one thousand dollars. If the annual rate of interest is 5%, you can sell it at a higher face value if the market rates of interest are below 5%. And supposing the market rate of interest soars above 5%, you can sell it, but at a lower face value.

Many investors choose to invest in bonds because of the stable and consistent interest rate they appreciate at. You can buy them at OTC markets or from brokers.

When you buy a stock, you are buying part of the company itself. You become part owner of the company. Stocks come in small, large and mid caps.

Stocks have a lot more risk than bonds. This is because you are investing in the company not in a specific economy as a whole. If a company is doing well then the value of the stock will increase and likewise if a company is doing poorly then its stock value will decrease. - 23309

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Tags: Business , Stock


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